Isn’t that what we are all on here on this terrific little spinning globe of liquid and some clay we reside on ?
So it’s that time of year when we set out our goals, aspirations, wishlists, to do lists for the year. In order to achieve our ideal. Our ideal weight, career, relationship, life etc. When we finally get feed to the fishies does it all matter? I’d sure like to think it does.
The Zen master said, once you achieve nirvana, all that’s left to do is laugh, he also said this could be a good thing or a bad thing we don’t know the full story so lets not get too excited or depressed about where we are right now. It’s the busy season for self development and goal setting. Worthy ideals, even if only a few take them through to achievement. It’s surely about the journey rather than the destination, right? Yes the journey is dammned hard at times but every so often you look around and see someone else,s journey that you would not wish upon your worst enemy. So like the swell studded Ocean, the peaks and troughs come marching along. Sometimes you are on the crest of the wave and loving it and sometimes you are in the trough getting the shit kicked out of you. It’s a good an analogy for life and should be taught in schools I tells ya.
So despite our goals we may feel like we ended up back where we started or at times even further back than that, do not pass go, do not collect €200 etc. But it’s a long road and the time will pass anyway. The time will pass anyway. You may have heard it said that there is no difference between the optimist who says everything will work out in the end but does nothing about it and the pessimist who says it can’t be helped and so does nothing about it.
Research has shown that it’s not actually the achievement of a goal that brings us satisfaction ( although that’s a good thing ) but the progression towards that ideal. So we feel crap when we stagnate and good when we are making moves towards something. So with 2014 around the corner it’s time to bust a move. Grab the swimmers, the runners and the notepad and decide what 2014 will do for you rather than you for it. All part of the journey.
See you out the back.